FLAKE FAMILY PICTURES at BARNES PARK in KAYSVILLE! (These are just from my digital camera...hopefully we got some great shots on Mike's parents camera....)
Davis County Fair 2009
Some of the highlights included:
Kachunga: The alligator show
Smelling all of the fair food...we forgot cash so we didnt partake of any deliciousness!
The free entertainment
Looking at all of the bizarre animals, vegetables ect.
Friday, August 14, 2009
...Okay...so we have...this very weird...ODD...vegetable...thing...growing in...our garden! We have no idea what it is...WEIRD!!!!!
What Happens in Bear Lake Stays in Bear Lake...
I had such a great in Bear Lake last weekend with all the girlies for our Girls Weekend! I laughed so hard my stomach hurt, enjoyed the sunshine, ate TONS of delicious food, watched some good movies, learned some new dance moves, learned to make beaded watch bands, did I mention we laughed a lot....It was a lot of fun to just get away for a few days and relax and have a good time!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A perfect round of golf = $40
A new baseball hat = $20
A delicious steak dinner = $15
Being sang "Happy Birthday" to in a saddle at Texas Roadhouse = PRICELESS
* Colten loved every minute of this, cant you tell?
Mike and I met through mutual friends just before he left for his mission to Spain in 2003! We reunited in May of 2005 and were married shortley after! We have spent time living in Utah, Alaska and Oklahoma and have enjoyed experiencing new things and new places together!